Section 1D: Controlling Your Roaming Experience 82
Checking for Voicemail Messages While Roaming
When you are roaming off the Sprint National Network, you
will not receive on-phone notification of new voicemail
messages. Callers can still leave messages, but you will
need to periodically check your voicemail for new messages
if you are in a roaming service area for an extended period of
To check your voicemail while roaming:
1. Dial 1 + area code + your phone number.
2. When you hear your voicemail greeting, press
3. Enter your passcode at the prompt and follow the voice
When you return to the network, voicemail notification will
resume as normal.
For details about using your voicemail service, please see
the Getting Started with Pivot guide that was packaged with
your phone. For more information, please contact your
cable provider.