− 25 −
Note 4 Orientation / angle display
The display angle is changed using Pan/Tilt Degree
The Set North command sets the current position to N
and the pan degree to 0.
Pan angle versus orientation is as follows.
N 337.6-22.5
NE 22.6-67.5
E 67.6-112.5
SE 112.6-157.5
S 157.6-202.5
SW 202.6-247.5
W 247.6-292.5
NW 292.6-337.5
Note 5 How to set the Camera ID and Title
Detailed settings of Camera ID and Title settings are
as follows.
Set 8 (16) characters in ASCII code.
Transmit eight (16) characters at the time in order
starting with the first character. The following
characters may be used.
* The following value (HEX) is also answered as
response command to a query command.
* No Title settings are available for models MD400,
* The numbers within the brackets refer to the VCC-
MD400 and MD300 models
Code (HEX)
Code (HEX)
(Blank) 32 20 H 72 48
- 45 2D I 73 49
0 48 30 J 74 4A
1 49 31 K 75 4B
2 50 32 L 76 4C
3 51 33 M 77 4D
4 52 34 N 78 4E
5 53 35 O 79 4F
6 54 36 P 80 50
7 55 37 Q 81 51
8 56 38 R 82 52
9 57 39 S 83 53
: 58 3A T 84 54
A 65 41 U 85 55
B 66 42 V 86 56
C 67 43 W 87 57
D 68 44 X 88 58
E 69 45 Y 89 59
F 70 46 Z 90 5A
G 71 47
Note 6 Rom Version display
No command other than the Version display ON/OFF
command will be received during Version display.
No OSD other than the Version OSD is displayed
during Version display.
The display will be erased 3 minutes after the ON
command is sent.
Note 7 ATW Smart exclusion processing
In models MD-300, 400 the Onepush Trigger by
Onepush Trigger (AWC set) command is not available
when setting the ATW Smart.
Before issuing an AWC set command set the ATW
Smart to OFF.
If setting the ATW Smart to ON again, do so once the
Onepush Trigger operation is complete (3 seconds) or
right before sending the ATW command.
Note 8 Pxel defect compensation
When pixel defect compensation function has been
executed by command, command transmission
cannot be done during the period described below
(not sending either ACK/NACK/ERR) :
MD600(P), MD500(P): 15 seconds
MD800(P), MD700(P): 20 seconds
Note 9 Pan/Tilt angle setting
Due to optimization on controlling Auto Focus and
Privacy Masks, send same coordinate data at least
twice when Pan/Tilt remain stationary.
Note10 Method of model distinguishing
5th digit in version
bit5 of 3rd byte in status
VCC-MD800(P) 5 1
VCC-MD700(P) 5 0
VCC-MD600(P) 4 1
VCC-MD500(P) 4 0
Version Query Command: 80 4A 0A CS FF
Version Response Command:
C0 4A 0A 0p 0q 0r 0s 0t 0u
0v 0w CS FF
Status Command: 80 4A 01 CS FF
Status Response Command:
C0 4A 01 p q r s t u CS FF
0 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Communications Protocol
Model: VCC-MD800/700/600/500/400/300