Prepend Dialing
Prepend dialing allows you to alter a phone number in your Phone
Book by adding additional numbers. For example, if your Internal
Phone Book entry was entered without an area code and you are
out of town, you can prepend that entry with the appropriate area
code. Another example would be if you wanted to make a phone
call using a calling card. You would prepend the calling card
number before the phone number of the person you want to call.
1. Select the Phone Book entry or call history using one of the
previously described methods.
2. Highlight , and press
3. Enter the digits you wish to prepend.
4. Highlight , and press
Pause Feature
When you call automated systems (such as voicemail or credit
card billing numbers,) you often have to enter a series of numbers.
Instead of entering the numbers by hand, you can store the
numbers in your Internal Phone Book separated by special
characters called pauses:
• Hard pauses - Once your call is connected, highlight
and press the
key to send the next string of