Section 2C: Setting Your Phone’s Security 83
Unlocking Your Phone
To unlock your phone:
1. From standby mode, select Unlock (leftsoftkey).
2. Enter your lock code.
Lock Services
With this feature, you can choose to restrict access to Sprint
Vision services, incoming and outgoing voice calls, and Sprint
Ready Link calls.
To activate lock services:
1. From the Security menu, select Others > Lock Services.
2. SelectVoice Calls,Dataor Ready Link.
3. SelectLocked.(SelectUnlockedto deactivate this
Changing the Lock Code
Tochange your lock code:
1. From the Security menu, select Others > Change Lock.
2. Enter and re-enter your new lock code.
Locking the Pictures Menu
With this feature, you must enter your lock code when you
access the pictures menu.
To lock the pictures menu:
1. Select >Settings > Security,and then enter your lock
code. (The Security menu is displayed.)
2. SelectPicture Mail > Lock Pictures > Lock Now.(Select
Unlockedto deactivate this feature.)