74 2G. Camera
4. Press , , or CAPTURE(left softkey) to take the
pictures. (The MULTIPLE SHOTS folder will display up to
eight thumbnail pictures per screen.)
This feature allows you to zoom in on an object when you take a
picture. You can adjust the zoom from 1x to 12x.
1. From camera mode, press the navigation key right or left,
or the volume button up or down to adjust the zoom.
2. Press , , or CAPTURE(left softkey) to take a
Camera Settings
1. From camera mode, press OPTIONS (right softkey) >
Camera Settings.
2. Highlight an option and press .
Resolutionto select a picture’s file size
(1.3M-1280x960, Medium-640x480, or
Qualityto select the picture quality setting (Fine,
Normal, or Economy).
Shutter Soundto select a shutter sound (Default,
“Say Cheese,”“Ready,” or Off).
Status Barto show or hide status indicators and
Save Settingto select the way to save pictures.
Saving Your Settings
You can save your favorite camera mode options as your
preferred settings.
1. Set your favorite camera mode options and press .
2. Highlight an unassigned number and press >YES
(left softkey).
3. Enter a title and press .
4. Confirm the settings and press .
To retrieve your settings:
1. From camera mode, press .
2. Highlight a setting and press >YES(left softkey).
To replace settings, highlight the settings to be replaced
and press
OPTIONS(right softkey) >Overwrite>YES
(left softkey).
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