Section 2A: Phone Basics 19
indicates volume level 1 to 8 and vibrate feature are
indicates 1-beep feature is set.
indicates 1-beep and vibrate feature are set.
indicates all ringer settings are off.
indicates all ringer settings are off and the vibrate
feature is set.
indicates all the sound settings except applications
volume are off and the vibrate feature is set.
indicates all the sound settings are off.
indicates the Location feature of your phone is
indicates the Location feature of your phone is
indicates you have a new voice message when Screen
Call is activated.
indicates the Screen Call Auto setting is on.
indicates your phone is operating in TTY mode.
indicates the alarm clock or c
ountdown setting is on.
indicates Direct Connect speaker is set to on.
indicates Direct Connect speaker is set to off.
indicates the speakerphone mode is set to on.
indicates a call is in progress using the Bluetooth
indicates the Car Kit device is set to on.
indicates the wired Headset device is set to on.