Section 2G: Using Contacts 131
Sprint Mobile Sync
All your contacts and groups, including Team DC groups,
can be added and edited online using the Sprint Mobile Sync
service. With Sprint Mobile Sync you can:
Add and edit contacts and groups. Use your computer to
easily add, edit, and manage contacts and groups
and set up and manage Team DC groups.
Synchronize and back up your contacts.Save all the
contacts information from your phone in a secure location
and automatically synchronize new information from the
computer to the phone and from the phone to the
Transfer contacts to a new phone. When you activate a
new phone, your existing contacts information is sent to
the phone upon activation.
Erase contacts information from a lost device. If your
phone is lost or stolen, Sprint Mobile Sync can remotely
removeall the contacts information. You can then send
the information to your replacement phone.
Importand export contacts with online address books.
Importor exportcontacts information from or to your
Outlook or other compatible database.
Preparing Your Phone for Sprint Mobile Sync Service
Once your phone make itself available to the
Mobile Sync service, a message is displayed on the
screen and you will be prompted to activate the service.
Follow the onscreen instructions to activate the service.
(A message will be displayed when the process is