Network Unit
Initial Setting
2 Date/Time Setting
Set present date and time by using the pull down menu buttons and press each
Set button. Confirm that the date and time are set correctly.
The displayed date and time are not updated automatically, press the Refresh but-
ton to get the current date and time.
3 Password Setting
This page is to set the password to restrict the access from an unauthorized per-
son through the network.
Enter the password onto the text box and press the Set button. The Network Unit
begins restarting and it takes about 40 seconds. Close (Quit) the web browser
and access to the login page again in 40 seconds. This is to perform the login
authentication firmly.
The default password [0000] means no password. You should change password
from the default in normal use. When you connect the projector with this product
to the network, you should set a password. Only a four-digit numeric number is
valid characters for the password.
For use of comment text area, it is convenient to put a hint note to remind you
the password or the installed location of the projector. This note will be indicated
on the login page.
✐ If you forgot the password to the projector, you can check it by selecting the "Display" sub
menu from the "Setting" menu on the projector. For further information, please see chapter
“Password Setting” on page 17.