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Cleaning of air intake port
The cap of the left side is turned counterclockwise (Counterclockwise direction), and this product is
removed, and the outer air is adopted into the chamber, and it opens a outer door. Therefore, frost is
easy to be settled around the air intake port inside the chamber. Clean it in the case shown below.
Condition Check / Remedy
When frost and ice can be
seen in the port of the air
intake port.
The pipe of the air intake port is thrust with a stick for air intake port
cleaning of the accessories, and frost is taken.
An outside door does not
open even if the cap of the
air intake port is opened.
The pipe of the air intake port is thrust with a stick for air intake port
cleaning of the accessories, and frost is taken.
Frost and ice can be seen in
the chamber.
Frost inside the chamber and ice are taken with Hera of the
For removing the frost of the release port, do not use a tool with sharp edge such as a knife or a screw
Stick for air intake port cleaning (Accessory)