The VCR can be controlled by a computer connected to
the RS-232C connector. It can also be controlled through
a special controller connected to the RS-485 connector.
You must specify which connector (RS-232C or RS-485)
is used. (Refer to “DIP Switches Setup”)
DIP Switches Setup
The DIP switches need to be set when a computer,
special controller, etc. connected to the RS-232C or
RS-485 connectors is used to control the VCR. Make sure
to turn the VCR power off before setting the DIP switches.
SW No.
1-7: To setup the VCR address (only when using the
RS-485 connector).
Please refer to the chart for each address (0 to
127) DIP switches settings.
œ Switch 1 is the least significant bit (LSB) and
switch 7 the most significant bit (MSB) (Down: 0,
Up: 1)
œ If the address is 1, set switch 1 to the ON side
œ If the address is 10, set switches 2 and 4 to the
ON side (up)
œ If the address is 127, set all the switches to the
ON side (up)
8: Available (Not used)
9: To select the connector used. [232] side (down) for
RS-232C, [485] side (up) for RS-485.
10: To setup the termination (only when using the
RS-485 connector).
OFF side (down): Not terminated
ON side (up): Terminated
œ Refer to the RS-232C and RS-485 command section or
to the special controller and/or to the computer
instruction manual.
DIP switch
(1:ON side, 0:OFF side)
DIP switch
(1:ON side, 0:OFF side)
1234567 1234567
0 0000000 64 0000001
1 1000000 65 1000001
2 0100000 66 0100001
3 1100000 67 1100001
4 0010000 68 0010001
5 1010000 69 1010001
6 0110000 70 0110001
7 1110000 71 1110001
8 0001000 72 0001001
9 1001000 73 1001001
10 0101000 74 0101001
11 1101000 75 1101001
12 0011000 76 0011001
13 1011000 77 1011001
14 0111000 78 0111001
15 1111000 79 1111001
16 0000100 80 0000101
17 1000100 81 1000101
18 0100100 82 0100101
19 1100100 83 1100101
20 0010100 84 0010101
21 1010100 85 1010101
22 0110100 86 0110101
23 1110100 87 1110101
24 0001100 88 0001101
25 1001100 89 1001101
26 0101100 90 0101101
27 1101100 91 1101101
28 0011100 92 0011101
29 1011100 93 1011101
30 0111100 94 0111101
31 1111100 95 1111101
32 0000010 96 0000011
33 1000010 97 1000011
34 0100010 98 0100011
35 1100010 99 1100011
36 0010010 100 0010011
37 1010010 101 1010011
38 0110010 102 0110011
39 1110010 103 1110011
40 0001010 104 0001011
41 1001010 105 1001011
42 0101010 106 0101011
43 1101010 107 1101011
44 0011010 108 0011011
45 1011010 109 1011011
46 0111010 110 0111011
47 1111010 111 1111011
48 0000110 112 0000111
49 1000110 113 1000111
50 0100110 114 0100111
51 1100110 115 1100111
52 0010110 116 0010111
53 1010110 117 1010111
54 0110110 118 0110111
55 1110110 119 1110111
56 0001110 120 0001111
57 1001110 121 1001111
58 0101110 122 0101111
59 1101110 123 1101111
60 0011110 124 0011111
61 1011110 125 1011111
62 0111110 126 0111111
63 1111110 127 1111111
RD2QD/NA (DTL-4800 GB) Tue. Aug., 08/2000
46 English