List of recording rate and recording times
Other 84
b When recording using an 500GB hard disk (when 99% of the area is utilized)
Audio signal recordable area (the recording time will be shorter than the figures given below in case audio is recorded)
Recording rate
Recording time
15kB 22kB 30kB 42kB 50kB
50 151 (H) 107 (H) 80 (H) 58 (H) 49 (H)
25 302 214 160 116 98
16.67 453 321 241 175 148
12.5 604 428 321 233 197
8.333 907 642 482 350 296
6.25 1209 857 642 467 395
5 1512 1071 803 584 494
4.167 1814 1285 964 701 593
3.571 2117 1499 1124 818 692
3.125 2419 1714 1285 934 791
2.778 2722 1928 1446 1051 889
2.5 3024 2142 1606 1168 988
2.273 3327 2356 1767 1285 1087
1.923 3932 2785 2089 1519 1285
1.667 4537 3213 2410 1753 1483
1.471 5142 3642 2731 1986 1681
1.316 5747 4070 3053 2220 1878
1.190 6352 4499 3374 2454 2076
1.087 6957 4927 3695 2687 2274
1 7562 5356 4017 2921 2472
0.5 15124 10712 8034 5843 4944
0.333 22686 16069 12052 8765 7416
0.25 30248 21425 16069 11686 9888
0.2 37810 26782 20086 14608 12361
0.1 75620 53564 40173 29217 24722
0.05 151240 107129 80346 58434 49444
0.033 226861 160693 120520 87651 74166