Checking voicemail
Your phone's 1 key has been programmed to dial your phone number.
This will allow you one touch access to your voicemail. Alternatively,you
can always dial your phone number from your mobile phone to access
voicemail. To access you mobile phone's voicemail from a different
phone, simply dial your phone number, wait for your voice greeting, then
press the * key. You will then be prompted to enter your personal
voicemail password.
Sending a Message
To send a text message:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. Select Messaging and press
3. Select Send Message and press
4. Select Text Message and press
5. Select From Phone Book, Mobile Phone#, or Email Address
and press to enter recipients.
• From Phone Book to select a recipient from your Contacts list.
Highlight an entry and press to select. Or select
<Add Entry> to enter a new entry.Press Done (left softkey)
when you are finished selecting/entering recipients.
• Mobile Phone# to enter a mobile phone number directly.
• Email Address to enter an email address directly.
6. To add a recipient, press Options (right softkey), select Add
Recipients, and press
• Edit to edit the selected entry.
• Erase to erase the selected entry.
• Erase All to erase all entries you have selected/entered.
• Add Recipient to add recipients.
7. Press Next (left softkey) when you are finished selecting/entering
8. To enter a message, select the box under Message and press
9. Use your keypad to enter a text message (or press Mode [right
softkey] to select from Preset Messages or Recent Messages),
and press OK (left softkey).