1 .Introduction
This section of the Operator's Handbook introduces you to the FORMAT controller,
and also suggests how to use this handbook to best effect.
Introduction to FORMAT
The FORMAT 550 SERIES programmer/controller is a powerful chamber control
system offering advanced features such as data logging and program editing.
The FORMAT 550 programmer represents the ultimate level of user friendliness in a
dedicated test chamber controller/programmer. Such ease of use has been achieved by
specialised software providing easily comprehensible data entry and information
All information and data are displayed on a 6 inch CRT screen. Data is entered to the
computer via a keypad or through the communications interface. At all times the actual
cabinet conditions are displayed in large figures at the top of the screen.
All of the command sequences are extremely simple to follow and hardly necessitate
the in-depth learning of key sequences and alternatives.
Although the FORMAT will make programming the test cabinet a simple task it will
not make the test sequences themselves any less complex. For this reason Program
Sheets for many of the popular standard tests and blank sheets for your own programs
have been produced. As a service, if requested when the cabinet was ordered, the
FORMAT will be supplied with selected standard tests prestored.
As with any other high level system many error trapping and security systems are
employed to ensure fool-proof operation.
1.2. Format digital channels
The FORMAT programming system fitted to the cabinet has up to eight digital channel
functions. The digital channels are cabinet dependent. A number of the channels are for
the control of the cabinet but require selecting on or off to achieve certain conditions.
If applicable, other user designated channels are fitted, such as voltage free contacts for
switching the test load. The selection of cabinet dependent digital channels is predicted
by FORMAT and its suggestions will in most cases be adequate. The digital channels
can however be operator selected to match particular requirements.The digital channels
descriptive names are listed on applicable windows (screens) of the FORMAT display.
Full details of the function of the digital channels fitted are given in Part 1, Section 2.4
of this manual.