Submenu Parameter and Function
Songs Browse all the music files in alphabetical order
New Music Browse the music files downloaded to the player within the
last 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month.
Genre Browse the music files by genre. Press the Play/Pause/Up
Button or Repeat/AB/Down Button to browse through the
genre list. Press the Select Button to browse the songs for
the selected genre.
Year Browse the music files by year. Press the Play/Pause/Up
Button or Repeat/AB/Down Button to browse through the
year list. Press the Select Button to browse the songs for the
selected year.
Spoken word Listen to Audible audio book files.
Modes Menu
The Modes menu lets you switch quickly between Music and FM Radio modes. The top level
Modes menu, its submenus, and settings are shown below in Table 4.
Read The Basics on page 21 to learn how to navigate the menus, settings, and
parameters described in this section.
Table 4: Modes Menu
Submenu Function
Audio Playback Select to switch the unit to Music file playback mode.
FM Radio Select to switch the unit to FM Radio mode.
Settings Menu
The Settings menu controls the underlying features of your player, for example, the language
used onscreen and equalizer settings. The top level Settings menu, its submenus, and settings
are shown below in Table 5.
Read The Basics on page 21 to learn how to navigate the menus, settings, and
parameters described in this section.
Navigating the Software Menus ` 24