
3.7 Installation Procedure of Windows CE
A. Summary of Installation
1. In infrastructure mode, install Access Point(AP) first.
2. Using ActiveSync to use installation CD, connect PDA to host PC that has CD-ROM.
3. Install MagicLAN driver and utility program using the installation CD.
4. Make sure IP address, DNS information, SSID or other values of network parameters
that are appropriate to PDA, and start to set up using utility program.
B. Installing PDA Software using installation CD from Host PC
1. Connect PDA and host PC that has CD-ROM using ActiveSync. During the
connection, choose "No" as shown in below picture. If you can see the second picture
shown below, the connection is thought to succeed.
Note) You can find the connection process of ActiveSync from the manual of you PDA.
However, you can find a latest version of ActiveSync program from Misrosoft website
shwon below :
2. If you insert MagicLAN installation CD, the program automatically starts. Click
'Install MagicLAN Driver'.
Note) In case of WindowsCE 'Install MagicLAN Driver' item will install both driver and
utility program at the same time.