6_ product introduction
product introduction
Time Scheduling
You can specify a time range during which a specifi c operation is performed. You can specify a specifi c time range
for a schedule code, which will be transferred to the applicable device. You can specify up to 5 different time
ranges for a day, ranging from Monday to Sunday including holidays. Each time schedule code can be applied
with a single different (or same) holiday code.
Door Open Alarm and Forced Door Open Alarm
The Door Open Alarm function notifi es the administrator that the door is still open if a door stays open after the
normal door open time and the standby time (default: 3 seconds). (The output signal can be transferred via the
output port, data on any abnormal state will be stored in memory, which will be transferred upon request from
the PC software. The Forced Door Open Alarm function produces an alert when the Door Contact Sensor senses
any forced opening of the door. (In case of a forced opened door, the product does not check the time out.)
Holiday Setup
You can specify a holiday (legal holiday or bi-weekly holiday) excluding Sunday. You can specify up to 32
holidays for a single holiday code. (Access can be permitted only for an allowable time range according to your
time schedule setting) A holiday code can be assigned to the time schedule code.
Duress Mode
This is used in a situation where you should open the door inevitably by a robber insisting to do so. Open the
door by entering the two-digit duress alarm password and pressing the
button before presenting the
registered card (or recognizing the card number), in the meantime this forcibly duress situation will be notifi ed to
the PC application. (This mode is enabled only if the product is connected to a key-based reader.)
All of the above mentioned functions can be enabled using the application (SAMS Basic).
Check if the following items are included in the product package.
Main Unit Quick Guide CD Manual
Diode (x2)
(UF4004, 1N4001~4007)
Resistor (x5)
(2.2kΩ, 1/4W)