3-1) Power freeze function
A. Input power freeze/regular condetion key. When power freeze startes, LED signal change at once.
(Comp and F-fan runs continuously for two and a half hours when quick freeze sekected.)
B. During quick freezing the refrigerator controlled by setted notch.
3-2) Regular condition function
A. Judge the temp. of F/R room, F room is over comp on of “LOW”NOTCH or R room is over comp on of “LOW”NOTCH.
If so regular condition function isn’t performed and LED is OFF below 0.5 seconds.
B. Input the function, judge temp. of F room or R room, F room is less than comp on of “LOW”NOTCH and R room is less than
comp on of “LOW”NOTCH. If so regular condition function is operate and comp F,R-FAN is off without state of operation in recently.
C. When state the operation of regular condition, judge the temp. of F/R room, F room is over comp on of “LOW”NOTCH or R room is
over comp on of “LOW”NOTCH. If son regular condition function is the end and it is returned before.
4) Power refrigerator/Power saving function
1) Select power refrigerator/power saving button
2) Press POWER/SAVING BUTTON at once. And it is selected “OFF”“Power refrigerator”“Saving operation”.
3) Initial power on isn’t signal.
4-1) Power refrigerator function
A. Input power refrigerator/saving key. When power refrigerator started, LED signal change at once.
(Comp. and R-fan runs until the temperature of refrigerator reaches -4℃when quick refrigeration selected.)
B. During power refrigerator the freezing controlled by setted notch.
4-2) Saving operation function.
A. Input saving operation button, F/R room temp. operate 0.8℃rising. (When situation about NOTCH, rised 0.8℃)
B. When input power freezer or power refrigerator, saving function stop to the end of power function and saving operation is
performed after the end of power function.
※ When power freeze and refrigeration selected at the same time
- Each function applied at the same time Power freeze runs Comp. and F-fan for two and half hours and power refrigeration runs
Comp. and R-fan for -4℃and power refrigeration runs.
3. Alarming
1) Button touch(“Ding-Dong”sound)
1-1) Everytime the button pushed, the input confirmation, “Ding-Dong”sound.
1-2) Not sounds, if two keys are pushed at the same time or wrongly handled
2) Door-Open Warning
2-1) Two minutes after door opened, alarming sounds.
2-2) If door opened continuously, ten times of alarming sounds with one minute cycle.
2-3) Alarming stopped just after door closed.