A. If refrigerator’s power is confimated, check the temp. of R-FAN and temp. more than R-FAN ON is operated “HIGH RPM” to sign
of MICOM #11PORT. After arrived FANOFF, if FAN is OFF and separatre function of ON/OFF isn’t confimated always
MICOM#10PORT is confimate sign and operated “LOW RPM”.
B. “HIGH RPM” is determinated the resistance of R706, LOW RPM is determinated the resistance of R707.
C. When check RPM, check the the wire to resistance of R716 and it is knew to MOTOR RPM.(wirw*4)
D. Operated condition to MOTOR is received wire sign to MICOM #8PORT but if it isn’t regular wire, FAN is stopped and operate again
after 5minutes.
※ When power refrigerate and forced operation, always operated “HIGH RPM” without temp. of freezer.
A. If refrigerator’s power is confimated, check the operated condition of F,R-FAN and F,R-FAN is HIGH RPM is operated #HIGH RPM to
sign of MICOM #20PORT. After arrived F,R-FAN OFF, if FAN is OFF and seperate function of ON/OFF isn’t confimated always
operated “LOW RPM”
B. “HIGH RPM” is determinated the resistance of R711, LOW RPM is determinated the resistance of R711,R729.
C. When check RPM, check the wire to resistance of R717 and it is knew to MOTOR RPM (wire *4).
D. Operated condition to MOTOR is received wire sign to MICOM #9PORT but if it isn’t regular wire, FAN is stopped and operate again
after 10minutes.
E. COMP FAN is always HIGH RPM, if it is HIGH RPM.
※ When power freeze and refrigerate, forced operation, always operated “HIGH RPM”