
To add a saved photo:
7. Use the Up/Down navigation key to highlight Photos, then press the OK
key ( ). The Int Album screen appears in the display showing a list of
photo-video folders with the Default folder highlighted.
8. Use the Up/Down navigation key to highlight the desired folder, then press
the OK key ( ). The contents of the selected folder appears in the display
as thumbnail images.
9. Use the Navigation key to highlight the
desired photo, then press the Attach key
( ). The New Message screen reappears
with the selected photo name populating the
Add field and with an additional Add field
To take a new photo:
10. Use the Up/Down navigation key to highlight
Photos, then press the OK key ( ). The Int
Album screen appears in the display showing
a list of photo-video folders with the Default
folder highlighted.
11. Press the Cam (right) soft key ( ). The Camera viewfinder screen
appears in the display.
12. Press the Capture key ( ), then press the Save key ( ). The File Name
field pops-up.
13. Press . The New Message screen reappears with the selected photo
name populating an Add field and with an additional Add field highlighted.
To add a voice memo:
14. Use the Up/Down navigation key to highlight Voice Recordings, then press
the OK key ( ). The MemoBox screen appears in the display showing a
list of voice memos.