Tap Themes to access the following options:
Keyboard height: allows you to set the keyboard height in both Portrait and Landscape
Word choice list font size: allows you to change the font size in the word choice list.
Tap My Words to access the following options:
Backup & Sync: allows you to backup your Swype dictionary and sync your Swype
dictionary across multiple devices.
Import recent contacts: when enabled, this feature automatically imports recent
Living Language: when enabled, this feature automatically updates your Swype
dictionary with popular new words.
Social integration: allows you to learn information from your Facebook, Twitter, and
Gmail accounts to help you while using Swype.
Edit my dictionary: allows you to edit your personal Swype dictionary.
Clear language data: deletes all of your personal language data, including your words.
Contribute usage data: when enabled, allows the Nuance® application to collect usage
data for better word predictions.
Cellular data: when enabled, activates cellular data usage by the Swype application so it
can receive program updates, language downloads, and other related features via your
existing data connection.
Tap Languages to activate and select the current text input language. Default language is
English. Tap Download languages to download additional languages.
Tap Gestures to view helpful information on using gestures while using Swype.
Tap Help to access the following options:
How to Swype: provides tips on how to learn to use Swype.
Show helpful tips: once enabled, displays helpful tips and hints as you are using Swype.
Version: displays the software version information.