Using Additional Voice Search Functions
For more information, refer to:
From an open Voice Search dialog, speak the following words to
access additional features such as:
voice actions
(such as: [your query]) allows you to search the web by
speaking the search parameters.
send text to [recipient] [message]
allows you to open the Messaging
listen to [artist/song/album]
allows you to begin listening to the
selected song on Slacker radio.
navigate to [address/city/business name]
allows you to receive
directions via Google maps™. Use either an Address name, Business
name, business type, or other navigation information to get the desired
call [business name] [plocation]
allows you to open the phone
dialer and automatically dial a business entry and location such as
“call Vini’s Pizza Plano”.
call [contact name] [phone type]
allows you to open the phone dialer
and automatically dial a current contact and specify the category entry
such as “call Pat S home”.
send email to [recipient] [subject] [body]
allows you to open your
email account, address and compose a new email message.
map of [location]
allows you to view a map of an area via Google
maps. Use either an Address name, Business name, zip code, or other
navigation information.
go to [website]
allows you to navigate to any component of your
note to self [message]
allows you to search for a note save to your
Memo Pad.
directions to [location]
using your current location, allows you to
receive directions to a selected destination.