
SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice
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This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization
4-2-2. Concupts & cautions.
You can download PDA or MODEM separately. But We are always recommended to
download both at the same time using same version of rom image.
To download an image, the phone need to be set to a proper download mode.
There are 3 download modes.
PDA download : Hold 1, 4 keys and power on -> Blue screen with some information.
MODEM download : Hold 7, * keys and power on -> Blinking "MODEM DOWNLOAD"
on blue screen
All download : Hold 4, 7 keys and power on -> Blinking "ALL DOWNLOAD" on blue screen
For PDA image download, the phone shows download progress on the screen
For MODEM image download, the phone shows RGBW/B Screen.
For All download mode, MODEM image is downloaded first and then PDA
downloading starts.
After downloading PDA, the phone will be reboot.
Do NOT interrupt downloading process or the phone will be damaged. You would be
unable to boot up the phone or to re-flash the phone. Let it finish downloading
process even though you are flashing wrong images.