GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
Switching the Phone On/Off
Hold down for more than one second to switch the
phone on.
The service light on the left of the phone flashes, and an
alert sounds. When the system locates services, the
greeting message displays along with the date and
time.You can now place and receive calls.
If the phone is out of service, the icon appears in
the display. In this case, you cannot make and receive
calls. You can try again later when service is available.
Note: You can change the LCD display language. To
change the language, use the Language menu option
(6-5); for further details, refer to page 73.
When you wish to switch the phone off, hold down
for more than two seconds.
Note: If you want to switch the phone off in Lock mode,
unlock the phone first by pressing and holding
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Your Phone’s Mode
Standby Mode
Standby is the most basic state of your phone. The
phone goes into Standby mode soon after you turn it on,
or whenever you briefly press . When your phone is
in Standby mode, you will typically see the greeting
message and current date and time. If you enter a phone
number, you can press to dial it, or press to
save it in the internal phone book.
Press at any time to return to Standby mode. Be
careful; if you are on a call when you press , you
will return to Standby mode, but it also disconnects the
call. Press several times or hold it down to return
to Standby mode without ending the call.
The Main Menu is accessed when you are in Standby
Talk Mode
You can place and answer calls only when your phone is
turned on. During a call, the phone is in Talk mode.
While you are in Talk mode, pressing gives you a
list of options referred to as “In-Use Menu” See page 29
for details on the options.