Section 5
5. Press and hold , then begin speaking your text slowly
and clearly into the microphone. See “Tips for Text Entry
Using VoiceMode” on page 68 for more information.
6. Release the key when you are finished speaking or
to take a break. Press and hold when you are ready
to resume speaking.
Tips for Text Entry Using VoiceMode
• Use VoiceMode in a quiet place.
• Make sure you press and hold the key before starting to
• Speak clearly, and say each word distinctly.
• Pause for a second between each word.
• If you make a mistake or VoiceMode misunderstands you while
dictating a message, complete the sentence or message, then
correct any errors using the naviigation and keys.
Correcting Errors
VoiceMode recognizes the most frequently used word
that matches the word you spoke into the microphone.
To correct a VoiceMode error, do the following:
1. Use the navigation keys to highlight the word to be
2. Press to display other words from the VoiceMode
dictionary, if available, or to enter the correct word, if it is
not in the dictionary.
3. Use the navigation keys to highlight the desired word,
then press to enter the selected word in your