Section 2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services 100
Using Digit Dial
Digit Dial allows you to dial any valid 7 or 10 digit North American
phone number by speaking the number naturally, without pausing
between the digits.
Tips for using Digit Dial:
ⅷ Digit Dial works best in quieter environments.
ⅷ When saying a number, speak at a normal speed and say each
digit clearly. There is no need to pause between digits.
ⅷ The phone recognizes the digits one, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, zero, and oh. The phone does not recognize
numbers such as "one eight hundred" for "1-800." Instead, say
ⅷ The phone recognizes only valid 7 or 10 digit North American
phone numbers.
ⅷ If your phone does not usually recognize you correctly when
you are using Digit Dial, try adapting Digit Dial to your voice,
which can significantly improve accuracy for some speakers.
"Adapting Digit Dial" on page 101 for details.)
To place a call using Digit Dial:
1. Activate voice recognition by pressing the navigation key left.
(The phone prompts you for a command.)
2. Say Digit Dial. (The phone prompts you to say the number.)
3. Say a valid 7 or 10 digit North American phone number
naturally and clearly.
4. If the phone asks you, "Did You Say," followed by the correct
number, say "Yes." (You can also select the correct number
from those displayed on the screen by pressing
on the
correct number. The phone will then dial the number.)
If desired, you can say the number "1" before the area code. This is not
required; the call is made both ways.