Entering Text
depending on the text input language. You can
select the language by setting one of the following
• Language select; see page 40
• Input mode (Menu 4.4.2); see page 101
List of the characters available
(Capital Lock mode in English)
Changing the Case
To change the case of the next letter(s) that you
type, press the key. There are three cases:
• Lower Case (no indicator)
•Initial Capital ( )
• Capital Lock ( )
Inserting a Space
To insert a space between words, press the key.
Key Characters in the Order Displayed
1. , - ? ! ‘ @ : 1
2A B C 2
3D E F 3
4G H I 4
5J K L 5
6M N O 6
7P Q R S 7
8T U V 8
9W X Y Z 9
Entering Text
Entering a Number directly
To enter a number, press and hold the number key.
To move the cursor to the left or right within the
text, press the Left or Right key.
Clearing Letters and Words
To clear the letter to the left of the cursor, press the
C key. You can clear all of the letters on the display
by pressing and holding the C key.
Returning to the Previous Screen
When the text input field is empty, press and hold
the C key to return to the previous screen.
Using the Symbolic Mode
The Symbolic mode enables you to enter symbols in
your text.
Using the Number Mode
The Number mode enables you to enter numbers in
your text. Press the keys corresponding to the
digits you want to enter.
To Press the
display more
Up or Down key.
enter a symbol corresponding number key.
return to the
previous text input
Ok or soft key.