
MEdia Mall
MEdia Mall
The MEdia Mall menu provides the following options:
Shop Ringtones
Shop Games
Shop Graphics
Shop Multimedia
Shop Applications
MEdia Home
Shop Ringtones
Selecting this menu option launches the web browser to
the Download Center menu.
1. Use the Select soft key to choose the option.
2. Use the Up and Down navigation keys to move to your
desired option and press the Select soft key.
3. Continue to navigate through the menu options.
Note: Additional charges my incur when downloading ringtones. Contact your
service provider for further information.
Shop Games
Selecting this menu option launches the web browser to
the Cingular’s Arcade menu.
1. Use the Select soft key to choose the option.
2. Use the Up and Down navigation keys to move to your
desired option and press the Select soft key.
3. Continue to navigate through the menu options.