
Image Size Large : 2272x1704 pixels, Medium : 1120x840 pixels,
Small : 544x408 pixels, Photo : 2272x1504 pixels
Capacity (32MB) Large : Super fine 12, Fine 25, Normal 38, TIFF 2
Medium : Super fine 53, Fine 106, Normal 159, TIFF 8
Small : Super fine 225, Fine 451, Normal 676, TIFF 35
Photo : Super fine 14, Fine 29, Normal 43, TIFF 2
*These figures are measured under Samsung’s standard
conditions and may vary depending on shooting conditions
and camera settings.
Image Play Single image, Thumbnails, Slide show, Movie Clip
Digital output connector : USB
Audio : Mono
Video output : NTSC, PAL (user selectable)
DC power input connector : 5.0V
Included : CR-V3 battery
Optional :
2x AA alkaline, Lithium, Ni-Mn, Ni-Zn, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd batteries.
Rechargeable Li ion battery - SRB-1437 or SBP-1103
AC adapter
Dimensions (WxHxD) 105.5 x 54.6x 38 mm
Weight 165g (without batteries and card)
Camera Driver
Storage Driver (Windows98/98SE/2000/ME/XP, Mac OS 9.x ~ 10.2)
Application MGI PhotoSuite, Digimax Viewer 2.0
System Requirements
For Windows
For Macintosh
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
PC with processor better than MMX Pentium 233MHz (XP : Pentium II 300MHz)
Windows 98/98SE/2000/ME/XP
Minimum 32MB RAM (XP : 128MB)
140MB of available hard-disk space
USB port
CD-ROM drive
800x600 pixels, 16-bit color display compatible monitor
(24-bit color display recommended)
Power Mac G3 or later
Mac OS 9.x ~ 10.2
Minimum 64MB RAM
110MB of available hard-disk space
USB port
CD-ROM drive
QuickTime 4.0 or later for Movie Clip
Power Source