■ When the movie clip doesn’t play back on the PC
※ When the movie clip recorded by the camera doesn’t play back on the PC, the causes are
mostly due to the codec installed on the PC.
● When codec for play back the movie clip isn’t installed
→ Install the codec as listed below.
[Installing codec for Windows]
1) Insert the CD provided with the camera
2) Run the windows explorer and select [CD-ROM drive:\XviD] folder and click the XviD
codex-1[1].1.0.exe file.
[Installing codec for Mac OS]
1) Visit the following site for downloading the codec.http://www.divx.com/divx/mac
2) Click the [Free Download] button located at the upper right side of the page and a window
for downloading the DivX codec will display.
3) Select Mac OS you use and click the [Download] button. Save it on a folder you want to.
4) Run the downloaded file and the codec for playing back the movie clip will be installed.
※ If a movie clip can’t play back on the Mac OS, use a media player that supports XviD
codec (Mplayer, VideoLanClient).
● When the DirectX 8.1 or later is not installed
→ Install the DirectX 8.1 or later
1) Insert the CD provided with the camera
2) Run the windows explorer and select [CD-ROM drive:\ USB Driver\DirectX 8.1] folder and
click the DXESETUP.exe file.The DirectX will be installed. Visit the following site for
downloading the DirectX.http://www.microsoft.com/directx