3. Tap ➔
Add to playlist
to add the song to a playlist.
– or –
Tap ➔ ➔
Add to playlist
to add the song to
a playlist.
Now playing
screen contains several buttons that you
can tap to control the playback of songs, albums, and
Creating a Playlist
1. From within the
Play Music
application, tap an album or
song list and play a song.
2. Tap ➔ adjacent to the song name and
Add to playlist
3. Tap
New playlist
Playlist name
field to enter a name
for the playlist.
4. Tap
to save the new playlist.
Tap to go back to the previous song. Touch and
hold to scan backward through the current song.
Tap to resume playback.
Tap to pause playback.
Tap to advance to the next song. Touch and hold to
scan forward through the current song.
When Shuffle mode is enabled via
Show Options
songs play in random order. When disabled
(as shown), songs play in the order they appear
in List view. Also visible when is tapped.
When Shuffle mode is enabled via
Show Options
songs play in random order. When enabled,
songs play in random order. Also visible when
is tapped.
Tap to repeat the current song,
repeat all songs, or disable repeat mode.
Also visible when is tapped.