DDVV MMeeddiiaa PPrroo 11..00 // VViiddeeoo SSttuuddiioo 77..00
-- PPhhoottoo EExxpprreessss 44..00
11.. SSeettuuppPPhhoottoo EExxpprreessss 44..0000
◆ 0
-- QQuuiicckkTTiimmee
11.. SSeettuuppQQuuiicckkTTiimmee00
◆ QuickTime Apple / / / /
/ 360 (VR) 0
VViiddeeoo SSttuuddiioo 77..00
00 00
✤ Photo Express 4.00
✤ DV Driver -
DirectX 9.0 - Video Codec
✤ Video Studio 7.00
✤ DV Driver0
✤ 0
✤ DV Media Pro 1.0DV Driver/ Video
CodecDirectX 9.00
✤ DV Media Pro 1.0
<help> 0
✤ DV Media Pro 1.0 Acrobat Reader
<help> (install.pdf)0
Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems Inc. 0
Miscellaneous Information :
Installing Software
Installing DV Media Pro 1.0 / Video Studio 7.0
Application Installation – Photo Express 4.0
1. Click “Photo Express 4.0” on the Setup screen.
◆ It is a photo editing tool that allows users to edit images.
Application Installation – QuickTime
1. Click “QuickTime” on the Setup screen.
◆ QuickTime is Apple's technology for handling movie, sound,
animation, graphics, text, music, and even 360-degree virtual
reality (VR) scenes.
Installing Video Studio 7.0
After inserting the CD, the setup screen displays automatically.
Follow the instruction to start installation.
It is a video editing tool that allows users to edit movie files.
[ Notes ]
For photo editing, use Photo Express 4.0.
For movie playback on a PC,it is required to install software in this
order : DV Driver -DirectX 9.0 -Video Codec
For movie editing, use the Video Studio 7.0. (from the second CD
For PC Cam use, it is required to install the DV Driver.
Compatibility warning pop-up message may appear depending on
PC manufacturers. Click on “Continue” to proceed following
You have to install “DV Driver”, “Video Codec” and “DirectX 9.0” to
run DV Media Pro 1.0 properly.
Regarding detailed instructions on software setup, refer to the
software user’s manual under the <help> folder of DV Media Pro
1.0 CD.
Install Acrobat Reader from the DV Media Pro 1.0 CD to view
software user’s manual (install.pdf) in the <help> folder. (The
Acrobat Reader is a freeware product of Adobe Systems. Inc.)