Spinpoint M8-DVR Disti Product Manual REV 2.0
Setting of the UDMA mode will not alter the speed of the SATA interface transfer. SATA transfer speed is
depending upon the negotiated interface speed of either Gen III 6.0 Gbps ~ Gen I 1.5 Gbps. The mode setting
in the Set Feature command is for backward compatibility purpose.
8.2.30 Set Max Address (F9h, 37h: extended)
Set Max Address command is for device implement the Host Protected Area feature set. The drive maximum
address can be changed according to the command issued from the host. The Set Max com
mand has the
following subcommands:
Table 8-13 Set Max Feature Register Values
8.2.31 Set Multiple Mode (C6h)
This command enables the drive to perform Read and Write Multiple operations and establishes the block
count for these commands.
The Sector Count register is loaded with the number of sectors per block. Drives support block sizes of 2, 4, 8,
and 16 sectors. If the Sector Count register contains a valid value and the block count is supported, the
loaded for all subsequent Read Multiple and Write Multiple commands and execution of those
enabled. If a block count is not supported, an Aborted Command error is posted, and Read Multiple and
Write Multiple commands are disabled.
At power-on, or after a hardware reset, the default mode is Read and Write Multiple disabled. And on
software reset, the default mode of Read and Write Multiple will not be changed.
8.2.32 Sleep (E6h)
This command is the only way to cause the drive to enter Sleep Mode. The drive is spun down, and when it is
stopped, BSY is cleared, an interrupt is generated, and the inter
face becomes inactive.
The only way to recover from Sleep mode without a reset or power-on is for the host to issue a software reset.
A drive shall not power-on in Sleep Mode nor remain in Sleep Mode following a reset sequence. If the drive
is already spun down, the spin down sequence is not executed.
8.2.33 Standby (E2h)
This command causes the drive to set BSY, enter the Standby Mode, clear BSY, and assert INTRQ. INTRQ
is asserted even though the device may not have fully transitioned to Standby Mode.
If the
Sector Count register is non-zero, then the Standby Timer is enabled. The value in the Sector Count
register shall be used to determine the time programmed into the Standby Mode.
The value in the Sector Count register when the STANDBY command is issued shall determine the time
period programmed into the Standby Timer.