
Q Index images (except for movie clips and voice file) are printed as index type.
1. Select [DPOF] menu by pressing ST icon
2. Select the [Index] menu.
3. Select a desired sub menu.
If [No] is selected : Cancel the index print
If [Yes] is selected : The image will be printed
in index format.
Q Print size : You can specify the print size when printing images stored on the
memory The [Size] menu is available only for DPOF 1.1 compatible printers.
1. Select [DPOF] menu by pressing ST icon
2. Select the [Size] menu.
3. Select a desired sub menu.
[One Pic] : Selection window to change the
print size of an image is displayed.
- WX : Select an image.
- ST: Change the print size.
- OK : Your changes will be saved and the
menu will disappear.
[All] : Change print size of all saved images.
- ST: Select a print size
- OK : Confirm the changed setting.
[Cancel] : Cancel all of the print size settings.
Ú DPOF [Size] secondary menu: Cancel, 3X5,
4X6, 5X7, 8X10.
O Depending on the manufacturer and print model, cancelling the printing
may take a little longer for the printer to process.