2. Follow the instructions on the voicemail server.
You must save the voicemail server number before
accessing the server. Your service provider can give
you the number.
You can retrieve new email messages from Gmail
to your
Inbox. When you access this application, the Inbox screen
appears. The total number of unread messages displays in
the title bar and the unread messages display in bold. If you
have labelled a message, its label appears in a coloured
rectangle on the message.
This feature might not be available in your region.
To send an email message:
1. In Idle mode, select Gmail.
2. Press [ ] Compose.
3. Enter an email address in the recipient field.
4. Enter a subject and message.
5. To attach an image file, press [ ] Attach and
select a file.
6. Select to send the message.
To view email messages:
1. In Idle mode, select Gmail.
2. Select an email message.