Option Function
Buddy photo
Set the device to recognise a person’s face
you have tagged in a photo and send it
to that person. Face recognition may fail
depending on face angle, face size, skin
colour, facial expression, light conditions,
or accessories the subject is wearing.
Customise camera settings
Before taking a photo, select to access the following
Option Function
Edit shortcuts Edit shortcuts to frequently-used options.
Self portrait
Switch to the front camera to take a photo
of yourself.
Change the flash setting: You can turn on
or off the flash manually, or set the camera
to use the flash when needed.
Change the shooting mode.
► p. 71
Scene mode Change the scene mode.
Exposure value
Adjust the exposure value to change the
Focus mode
Select a focus mode. You can take close-up
photos, or set the camera to focus on the
subject or human faces automatically.
Select the length of the delay before the
camera takes a photo.
Effects Apply a special effect.