Taking photos or videos with filter effects
Use the filter effects to take unique photos or videos.
Tap and select a filter effect. Not all of the following options are available in both Camera
and Camcorder modes. The available options vary by mode.
No effect
: No effect.
: This effect red-shifts the background scenery.
Black and white
: This effect makes the image black and white.
: This effect makes the image look like a negative exposure.
Old photo
: This effect makes the image look like an old-style photograph.
: This effect makes the image look as if it was taken under bright sunlight.
: This effect gives the image a vintage look and feel.
: This effect applies a sepia tone effect.
Faded colors
: This effect fades the color of the image.
: This effect applies a warm and cheerful effect.
: This effect makes the image look like a comic book drawing.
Pastel sketch
: This effect makes the image look like a pastel sketch.
Gothic noir
: This effect makes the image look like a black and white comic strip.
: This effect makes the image look like an impressionist painting.
When applying filter effects, photos’ resolution changes to 1920x1080, and videos’
resolution changes to 1280x720.