Calls 62
Recent Calls Options
To display the Recent Calls options:
1. Touch Menu.
2. Touch Calls.
3. Touch to display the entry’s options.
Tip: An unknown entry only displays a contact number. A known entry (found in the
Contacts list) displays the entry’s name and contact number.
4. If the entry is not currently part of your Contacts list, touching displays
the following options:
• Save: To store the entry in your Contacts list.
• Call: To dial the phone number for the currently selected entry.
• Message: To send the current history entry a new text message.
5. If the entry has previously been entered into your Contacts list, touching
displays the Contacts entry page and the following options:
• Caller’s name: Displays if the number is already in your Contacts.
• Edit Entry ( ): To either edit the existing number (if already in your
Contacts list) or create a new entry.
• Send New Text Message ( ): To send a text message to the current
recent call entry.
• Send Contact: Delivers the current recent call entry information to an
available user via a wireless connection. See ‘Bluetooth” on page 63.