Changing Your Settings 93
Lock Screen
From this menu you can change the background, set a time-
out screen that locks the phone after a specific amount of
time, and set up the phone to require a 4-digit password to
unlock the phone.
1. From the Home screen, touch
. Under the
menu, touch
lock screen
2. Touch
to choose a photo source.
• photo
: Touch the
change photo
field to select a background
from your photos.
: Professional photos from Bing will automatically be
displayed as the lock screen background.
• Live Wallpaper
: Touch
open app
to launch Photo Editor and
select a new background photo.
•Photo Editor
: Touch
open app
to launch Photo Editor and
select a new background photo.
3. Touch and slide the
Show artist when playing music
slider to the right to turn the option
4. Touch the Choose an app to show detailed status
field to select which app displays detailed activity
when the lock screen is active. Options are Calendar,
an email account, Messaging, or Phone.
5. Touch up to five + fields to select app that will display
limited activity when the lock screen is active. Options
are Games, an email account, Messaging, Phone, and
6. Touch the
Screen times out after
field and select a
screen time-out time. Options are 30 seconds,
1 minute, 3 minutes, or 5 minutes.
7. Touch and slide the
slider to the right to turn
the password requirement mode
8. Touch the
New password
field and enter a 4-digit
password. Touch Show password to display the
password as you type.