OfficeServ 7100 Call Server Programming Guide
Samsung Business Communications 2-339
No Code Alarm Name Definition
- MJB-- LCP/TASK Error LCP or TASK Fault
08 MJB01 HDLC Com Error Communications to LCP lost or faulty.
09 MJB02 Memory Alarm 1 A RAM diagnostic check error has occurred in the
10 MJB03 Memory Alarm 2 A RAM diagnostic check error has occurred in cabinet 1
11 MJB04 Memory Alarm 3 A RAM diagnostic check error has occurred in cabinet 2
12 MJB05 Memory Alarm 4 A RAM diagnostic check error has occurred in cabinet 3
13 MJB06 IPC MSGQ Over IPC TX queue full error has occurred in the MCP2.
Alarm data = IPC Queue type
14 MJB07 Task MSGQ Over Task MSG queue full error has occurred in the MCP2.
Alarm data = Error Task
MJC-- DSP Error System DSP Fault
16 MJC01 DTMF Fault An abnormal interrupt has occurred in the system
DTMF resources.
Alarm data = DTMF Receiver DSP position
17 MJC02 Tone Fault An abnormal interrupt has occurred in the system
tone resources.
Alarm data = TONE Receiver DSP position.
25 MJC10 AA-DTMF Fault An abnormal fault reported in one of the AA card
DTMF resources.
Alarm data = Cabinet, Slot, Port(Cx-Syy-Pzz)
26 MJC11 AA-MFR Rec An abnormal fault reported in one of the AA card
DTMF resources has recovered.
Alarm data = Cabinet, Slot, Port(Cx-Syy-Pzz)
27 MJC12 E911 Restart The E911 card has restarted.
Alarm data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
28 MJC13 E911 Block The E911 card has blocked because the system
detects the card does not work correctly.
Alarm data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
31 MJC16 WLI Restart The WLI card has restarted.
Alarm data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
32 MJC17 WLI Block The WLI card has blocked because the system
detects the card does not work correctly.
Alarm data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)