2. Activate the alarm via the SH624 Comfort Remote Control
Press the red PANIC button. The panic alarm is instantly triggered. Depending on the console settings the
siren will be triggered or not (see 9.1).
6.3 What happens when the alarm goes off?
1. Siren
The built-in siren will be triggered. You can choose to turn the siren off (silent alarm, see 9.1). If the console is working on the
emergency batteries, the siren will not be used, to save battery power.
2. The telephone dialler
After the last digit of the first telephone number has been dialled, the spoken message will be played back and repeated
several times. If the call is answered by pressing 0, the console will stop calling. If the call is not answered, the second up to the
sixth number are dialled until one of these calls is confirmed by pressing 0. The person who receives the phone call can listen to
what is going on in the building for one minute. The siren is switched off while you are listening.
The console will remain on alert. If the alarm goes off again later, the telephone dialler will be activated again.
6.4 Disarming the system
Press DISARM on your remote control. The display will indicate the zone that is causing the alarm. To remove this message, press
ARM and then DISARM.
You can also switch off the system by entering your PIN code on the number pad of the console. After entering your PIN code the
display will read ‘DISARMED’.
6.5 Error messages
If a zone number is slowly flashing on the display, this means the system has noticed an error with that sensor. Possible causes are
empty batteries (see chapter 12), range problems (1.2) or the sensor has been tampered with (opened up).
The status of all sensors is checked after the security system is switched on. If a problem is found, you will hear the two-tone
‘problem signal’. If a sensor (e.g. zone 9) indicates there is a problem, a message is shown on the display.
An open window or door: OPEN ZONE 9
A tamper message: TAMPER ZONE 9
Empty batteries or range problems: PROBLEM ZONE 9
You need to solve the tamper problem before switching on the system (e.g. by closing the top compartment on the console).
Both the console and the DS90 and MS90 are equipped with a tamper contact. If anyone tries to open the console or sensor while
the alarm is activated, the alarm will be triggered. If the alarm is NOT activated, you will see an error message on the console display.
In all other cases you can choose not to activate the sensor concerned (bypass). You need to press CLEAR while the error message
is shown and then activate the alarm again. The zone indicator of the sensor concerned will now flash quickly.
If there are more sensors causing problems, the information on the next sensor will be displayed.
The bypass is valid until you switch off the alarm (Disarm).
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