Hose, Extension Wand, and
Cleaning Tool Storage
1.Slide the extension wands at the far
sides of the Accessory Storage Bin
located on the right side of the Stor N
Go Vac. Slide the car nozzle and the
crevice tool next to the extension wands
in the storage bin. Position the dusting
brush horizontal and slide it into the
storage bin’s accessory slot. It is neces-
sary to place the dusting brush into the
accessory slot first, as the utility nozzle
will not fit in this position. Last, place the
utility nozzle flush against the accesso-
ry slot storage area and slide down into
storage position. The storage bin
accommodates both extension wands
and the four cleaning tools.
2.Insert the 7 foot Super Flex Hose ends
into the hooks on the left side of the
Stor N Go Vac, as shown below.
3.Form a double loop with the 14 foot Tug-
A-Long Hose and hang on hose storage
hook at the top of the rack.
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