Getting Started
Network Delivery Scanner
A scan file from the originals scanned by the machine is stored in the delivery
server and delivered to the folders of client computers on the same network.
p.57 “Delivering Scan Files”
❒ To use the delivery scanner function, a delivery server installed with the
ScanRouter delivery software is required.
❒ When the ScanRouter delivery software is used, the machine can also deliver
scan files using e-mail, store scan files in the document management server.
1. This machine
A scan file from the originals scanned by
the machine is sent to the delivery server.
In combination with the file storage func-
tion, scan files from multiple originals
that have been temporarily stored can be
delivered all at once. See p.65 “Simulta-
neous Storage and Delivery”.
2. Delivery server
The ScanRouter delivery software is in-
stalled in this computer which is used as
a delivery server.
A received file is delivered to the in-tray
of the specified destination (A in the fig-
ure). According to the settings of the in-
tray, the file is stored in the in-tray or in a
Windows folder (B in the figure).
3. Client computer
The contents of a stored file can be
checked in the following ways:
• View the file in the in-tray using Desk-
TopBinder to check the contents. (C
in the figure)
• Use Auto Document Link to receive
the file stored in the in-tray, and check
the contents with an appropriate ap-
plication. (D in the figure)
• Access the Windows folder where the
file is stored via the network, and
check the contents with an appropri-
ate application. (E in the figure)