
Host Interface
PCL Menu
PS Menu (optional)
PDF Menu (optional)
Menu Description
I/O Buffer You can set the size of the I/O Buffer. Nor-
mally it is not necessary to change this set-
I/O Timeout You can set how many seconds the machine
should wait before ending a print job. If data
from another port usually arrives in the mid-
dle of a print job, you should increase this
timeout period.
Menu Description
Orientation You can set the page orientation.
Form Lines You can set the number of lines per page.
Font Source You can set the storage location of the de-
fault font.
Font Number You can set the ID of the default font you
want to use.
Point Size You can set the point size you want to use for
the selected font.
Font Pitch You can set the number of characters per
inch for the selected font.
Symbol Set You can specify the set of print characters for
the selected font. The available options are as
Courier Font You can select a courier font type.
Ext. A4 Width You can extend the printing area width
when printing on A4 sheet with PCL.
Append CR to LF
When set to On, a carriage return will follow
each line feed: CR=CR, LF=CR-LF, FF=CR-FF.
You can set the print resolution in dots per inch.
Menu Description
Data Format You can select a data format.
You can set the print resolution in dots per inch.
Menu Description
Change PDF Password You can set the password for the PDF file ex-
ecuting PDF Direct Print.
PDF Group Password You can set the group password already
specified with DeskTopBinder Lite.
You can set the print resolution in dots per inch.