Printing from List Per User ID
Printing All Print Jobs
A On the Printer screen, press [Print
A list of user IDs whose files are
stored in the machine appears.
Press the user ID whose file you
want to print.
You cannot select multiple user
IDs at the same time.
❒ Press [UPrev.] or [TNext.] to
scroll through the list.
❒ Press [Clear] to cancel a selec-
C Press [Print All Jobs].
If the selected user ID has multiple
types of print jobs, the selection
screen of the print job type ap-
D Select the desired print job type,
and then press [Yes].
The confirmation screen appears.
❒ The confirmation screen does
not appear if the selected ID has
only one type of print jobs. Pro-
ceed to step
❒ You cannot select a print job
that is not stored under the se-
lected user ID.
❒ If you select Sample Print in-
cluding multiple files without
setting a quantity, 1 page less
than the minimum number of
all settings is applied.
❒ If you select Stored Print, the
number you set on the confir-
mation screen is applied to all
files of the selected print job
type. If you do not set a quanti-
ty, the minimum number is ap-
plied to all files.
❒ If you select Locked Print, enter
the correct password. If there
are multiple passwords, the ma-
chine prints only files that corre-
spond to the entered password.
❒ If you select Stored Print files,
and some of these require a
password, the machine prints
files that correspond to the en-
tered password and files that do
not require a password.