18 Market Potential
High speed MFP segment growing at pace
Decline in high speed B&W MFP sales
Huge growth in high speed colour MFP sales
European sales of colour outstripping the US and Asia Pacific
Sales of high speed colour MFPs to overtake B&W in 2009
MP C6000 & 7500 first engines with colour speed to replace high speed mono
Industry observers like Gartner, Dataquest
and Infosource predict huge growth in the sale
of colour capable MFPs, particularly higher
speed, higher productivity devices. The
European market is way ahead of the US and
Asia Pacific in its acceptance of colour.
Infosource forecast that in Europe, by 2009,
50% of all high speed MFP sold will have
colour capability!
At the moment there is a large and virtually
untapped market for high speed, high
productivity colour MFPs. Whilst
manufacturers have introduced low to mid
speed colour capable devices, there has not,
until now, been a colour engine with the sheer
speed and productivity necessary to replace
high speed black and white machines.
The Aficio MP C6000 and MP C7500 with their
exceptionally fast colour output speeds and
versatile handling are the first MFPs with the
capability to replace high speed high volume
black and white in the general office and light
production environments. There is little viable
colour competition in this sector. By taking a
lead now you can take easy advantage of the
high page volumes, both black and white AND
colour, that these machines will generate.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Forecast by Gartner Dataquest
June 2006
Color 41-69cpm
Forecast by infoSource
June 2006
ColorCapable 60-89cpm & FC50cpm +
Forecast by Gartner Dataquest
June 2006
Color 41-69cpm
BW 41-69 cpm BW 60-89 cpm BW 41-69 cpm
FC 41-69 cpm CC60-89 cpm & FC 50cpm+ FC 41-69 cpm