29 Key Selling Points
clicking on the web address provided in the
High Compression PDF
Conventional scanners have difficulty
maintaining a balance between file size and
image quality. The Aficio range uses High
Compression PDF for single and multipage
documents with optimal file size determined by
the scanner depending upon the ratio of image
to text. Generating compressed PDF files
reduce network traffic, particularly if printed
using PDF Direct Print (available with
PostScript option).
Thumbnail Search
Documents in the document server can be
searched by file name or by thumbnail. The
thumbnail feature can also be used to preview
and confirm document content before
Preview Before Send
Previewing scanned documents before
transmission allows users to check the
accuracy and appearance of scanned data.
Users can check the file name, file size,
original page size, colour mode, scanning
direction and image quality.
Encrypted PDF Transmission
Scan-to-email and scan-to-folder documents
sent in PDF files can be encrypted and
password protected to ensure they are read
only by the intended recipient. This feature will
appeal to companies and departments
scanning confidential documents like new
product information, personal information and
contract information.
Drop Out Colour
This new feature enables users to screen out
a colour when scanning. This enables users to
remove information like handwritten notes
from a document before reproduction or
storage. As well as cleaning up the
appearance of documents, this feature will
enhance OCR capability and electric
document archiving.
High Speed Fax Option
The fax option allows the Aficio MP C6000
and MP C7500 to be used as a high speed fax
increasing the functionality of the machine.
With the fax option, A4 documents are
scanned less than 1 second and transmitted in
just 2 seconds using the a 33.6KB modem and
JBIG compression.
1, 2 or 3 Fax Line Option
With the option to add 1, 2 or 3 fax cards, the
Aficio MFP can handle up to 3 fax lines
simultaneously. The high speed print engine,
with large on-line paper capacity and
advanced communications features like LDAP
support and fax forwarding to email make the
Aficio MFP perfect for use as a centralised fax
Fax Number Search Via LDAP
LDAP directory support extends to email and
fax addresses. Fax numbers and email
addresses are updated automatically from
LDAP servers. Users can search for fax
numbers at the MFP control panel. Addresses
can be searched by Name, E-mail address,
number, Company and Department name.