Messages Causes Solutions
"Exceeded max. number of
alphanumeric characters."
The maximum enterable
number of alphanumeric
characters has been
Check the maximum number of
characters which can be entered, and
then enter it again. For details about
the maximum enterable number of
characters, see "Values of Various Set
Items for Transmission/Storage/
Delivery Function", Scan.
"Programmed. Cannot
program the destination(s)
that is not programmed in
the address book."
The destinations selected
while registering to the
program contain a folder
destination for which one of
the following destinations is
manually entered
destination, delivery server
destination, WSD
destination, or DSM
WSD destinations and DSM
destinations cannot be registered to the
program because they cannot be
registered in the address book. For
manually entered and delivery server
destinations, register the destinations in
the address book, and then try to
register them to the program again.
"Scanner journal is full.
Please check Scanner
[Print & Delete Scanner
Journal] in [Scanner
Features] is set to [Do not
Print: Disable Send], and
Scanner Journal is full.
Print or delete Scanner Journal. For
details about Scanner Features, see
"General Settings", Scan.
"The entered file name
contains invalid character(s).
Enter the file name again
using any of the following 1
byte characters. " 0 to 9 " , "
A to Z " , " a to z " , " . - _""
The file name contains a
character that cannot be
Check the file name set at the time of
scanning. For details about characters
that can be used in file names, see
"Specifying the File Name", Scan.
"The entered file name
contains invalid character(s).
Enter the file name again
using any of the following 1
byte characters. " 0 to 9 " , "
A to Z " , " a to z " , " . - _""
The file name contains a
character that cannot be
Check the file name specified at the
time of scanning. The file name
specified in the Sending Scan Files to
Folders function cannot contain the
following characters:
\ / : * ? " < > |
The file name cannot start or end with a
period ".".
10. Troubleshooting