❖ Software installed with DeskTopBinder Lite
•Auto Document Link
Auto Document Link on the client computer monitors in-trays of the deliv-
ery server periodically, retrieves files delivered to in-trays, and notifies the
user of delivery.
Instead of printing files created with an application, the RFWriter converts
those files into TIFF or BMP image files and registers them in a work folder
of DeskTopBinder. For details, see DeskTopBinder Help.
• Function Palette
Function Palette allows you to use functions such as Scan using TWAIN
scanner or Print without starting DeskTopBinder. To use these functions
from Function Palette, you must first configure them using DeskTopBind-
er Extended Features. For details about Function Palette, see DeskTop-
Binder manuals.
• Extended Features Wizard
The Extended Features Wizard allows you to make settings as in the [Ex-
tended Features] of the [Tools] menu. For details, see DeskTopBinder Help.
❒ Usually, RFWriter is installed with DeskTopBinder Lite. However, if you are
running Windows 98SE/Me, RFWriter may not be installed with DeskTop-
Binder Lite. In this case, install RFWriter manually using [Add Printer]. For de-
tails, see the README file in the [RFWriter] folder on the attached CD-ROM.