Downloading Images to Your Computer
The following software will be installed:
• Do not install the software when the camera is connected to your computer with a USB
• If software is already installed from a CD-ROM supplied with a previous model, a
message stating that the old software must be uninstalled before installing the new
one is displayed.
Follow the message instructions and uninstall the old software before installing the
new software. Functions of the old model can still be used as before.
If DU-10 is installed, it is replaced by Caplio Viewer (an upgraded version of DU-10).
If the old software is uninstalled before the message is displayed, Caplio Viewer is not
installed even if the new software is installed. (For how to uninstall the software, see
• For Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 2000, administrator privileges are
required to install the software.
• RICOH Gate La is not network-compatible. Use as a stand-alone application.
Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The camera is provided with Irodio Photo & Video Studio software that allows you to
display and edit images from your computer. For how to use Irodio Photo & Video Studio,
see the displayed “Help”.
For the latest information about Irodio Photo & Video Studio, access the Web page of
Pixela Co., Ltd. (http://www.pixela.co.jp/oem/irodio/e/irodio_digitalphoto_videostudio/).
When [Installing the software] is Clicked
Software Description
RICOH Gate La Downloads images collectively to your computer.
Irodio Photo & Video
Shot images can be displayed, managed, or edited.
USB Driver Used to connect an earlier model Ricoh camera to a computer
running Windows 98 SE/Me/2000. Not available with this camera.
WIA Driver Used to connect an earlier model Ricoh camera to a computer
running Windows XP/Vista. Not available with this camera.