Continuous Mode
Shoot photographs one at a time or in continuous se-
quence. The following options are available:
• Off: One photo is taken each time the shutter-release
button is pressed.
Continuous: The camera records
photographs one after the other
while the shutter-release button
is pressed.
• S-Cont (stream continuous): While
the shutter-release button is
pressed, the camera shoots up to
16 frames at about 7.5 frames per
second and joins them to form a
single image 3,648 × 2,736 pixels
in size. About 2 s are required to
shoot the entire sequence.
• M-Cont (memory-reversal continuous): The camera shoots
while the shutter-release button is pressed, but only the
last 16 frames (about the last two seconds of shooting)
are recorded, creating a single image 3,648 × 2,736 pix-
els in size.
When you remove your finger
from the shutter release button…
…the camera records the frames taken
in the last two seconds (frames q to !6).